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世界名牌SLENDERTONE system abs美体塑身减肥用品
( 型号 : SLENDERTONE system abs )
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世界名牌SLENDERTONE system abs美体塑身减肥用品

SLENDERTONE System ABS减肥腰带说明 产品详情: 1,采用分离式控制器,内置可再充电池,在电池显示低电量时,只需充电2-3小时,便可用上1-2周,轻松方便,省下不小购买电池的款项。 2,内设7个运动模式,再配上1-99级的强度,用户可从低级慢慢适应,循序渐进,加强强度,取得最佳效果。 3,总重量只有约500多克,可以随时随地,轻轻松松,减肥修身。 在公司工作期间可用,在家中做家务时亦可用,不像市场上的其它同类产品,需连接变压器(适配器)连接市电源供电,限制了活动范围。 4,应用EMS技术,亦不像市场上的其它产品,配用微型电机产生震动,或加发热装置产生高热,用了会有不适的感觉。 Slendertone 修腹腰带 Slendertone 产品是由爱尔兰的Bio-Medical Research Ltd设计、生产及销售。旗下的另一子公司是坐落于德国的Neurotech GmbH,专业生产EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation)及TENS (Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation) 产品,供应全球的物理治疗师及病人用作肌肉治疗及康复之用。同样的尖端科技亦应用于Slendertone的产品。 Slendertone修身产品是采用Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) 技术,透过腰带上的电极发出讯号给控制肌肉的神经,令到肌肉自然收缩及放松,模仿运动时所带动的肌肉运动,EMS除可使身体的表层肌肉运动外,还可令深层肌肉进行有力及舒适的收缩和放松运动,拥有美好的肌肉线条,自然达到修身的效果。EMS技术被医学界(包括医院、疹所、物理治疗院等)采用作为加强肌肉训练及复原肌肉训练已超过40多年。 有关Slendertone产品的资讯,可直接到http://www.slendertone.com查询。 Slendertone产品驰名国际,其独特的EMS技术,令其已成为修身减肥产品的代表,产品包括: 1 Slendertone Flex 4 段 1-99级强度 (修直肌、斜肌、腹肌) 2 Slendertone Flex 7 段1-99级强度 (修直肌、斜肌、腹肌) 3 Slendertone Flex Max 10 段 1-130级强度 (修直肌、斜肌、腹肌) 4 Slendertone Flex BT 4段 1-99级强度 (修臀部及四头肌) 5 Slendertone Active (修直肌、斜肌、腹肌) 6 Slendertone System-Abs (修直肌、斜肌、腹肌) 7 Slendertone System-Arm (修手臂) 8 Slendertone System-Mini (修臀部) 何谓EMS技术? Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) 技术已被医学界采用来作为加强肌肉训练及复原肌肉训练超过40多年。主要是透过电极输出讯号给控制肌肉的神经,令到肌肉自然收缩及放松,模仿运动时所带动的肌肉运动。因这方式的运动可以达至深层肌肉,有时甚至比普通运动所带来的肌肉训练效果更佳。 为何要训练肌肉? 人们能够直立行走,除了靠骨骼支撑之外,身体的肌肉也发挥着很大的帮助,因骨骼的运动需要靠肌肉来辅助运动,还有是肌肉的发展会影响一个人的外表,肌肉松驰会令人产生老态,肌肉萎缩,会使人的身体不正,欠缺线条美,整个人会因为肌肉量不足,而无精打彩。一身美好身段,会令人容光焕发,充满信心,做甚么事也会冲劲十足。 Slendertone如何利用EMS技术来达到修身的效果? Slendertone产品上装有不同电极,控制器透过电极向指定的肌肉神经发出收缩及放松的讯号,达到肌肉自我运动的目的,配合主控器内预设多种的训练模式,及可调整的运动强度,使肌肉训练达到最佳效果。如腰带所输出的讯号会令到直肌(rectus) 、斜肌(obliques) 、腹肌(transversus) 等同时进行运动,Mini裙刺激臀部的肌肉,BT裤刺激臀部及四头肌,其效果不是一般运动所能够比拟。 需使用Slendertone多久才会有效果? Slendertone设计了多款修身计划,一般需要6-8星期,每星期5天,每天30分钟,便可达到修身的目标。如加上适当的运动及饮食,效果会更好及更快。 如何衡量肥胖指数? 一般会采用BMI (Body Mass Index) 指数来衡量身体的脂肪量,BMI是跟据成年男或女人的身高及体重来计算,将体重(公斤)除以身高(公尺)的2次方,出来的结果如低于18.5是过瘦、18.6-24.9都属于标准、25-29.9是过胖、超过30可归类痴肥。 EMS技术是用在训练肌肉,如何达到减肥的目的? 在使用EMS技术训练肌肉的同时,会消耗身体的肌肉及脂肪,所以在训练肌肉后,需配合适当的饮食,才可更快及更有效的加强肌肉的发展,进食时所吸收的营养,会转化来补充肌肉的消耗,减低多余的营养转化为脂肪的机会。此消彼长,令到肌肉有良好的发展,脂肪消耗后,不再大量补充,形成身体有良好的肌肉线条,没有脂肪积聚。 使用Slendertone产品跟运动出来的效果有何分别? 如能够有足够的运动量及次数,当然其效果比任何产品来得自然,但实际上进行上来,并不简单,因如求有一身美好线条的肌肉是需要接受专业的指导才能达到的,因一般的运动只能训练表层肌肉,很多深层肌肉是不会受到刺激而发展。Slendertone产品能令深层肌肉也会作出运动,所以其效果是会比一般简单的运动效果来得更好。 为何间中做运动,没有修身减肥的效果? 在运动时,身体的肌肉会先被消耗,其次才轮到脂肪,所以运动是会令肌肉缩减的,但人的身体很神奇,肌肉在受到运动而刺激时,只要作出适当的补充,会自动复完,更且会有进一步的发展。加上适当的饮食,运动后吸收适量的蛋白质,减少吸收高脂肪类的食物,在此消彼长的情况下,很快就可练出美好的肌肉线条,而多余的脂肪就被消耗掉。所以如只是间中才做运动,令到肌肉得不到足够的刺激,就很难达到发展肌肉及消耗脂肪的目的,如再加上不好好控制饮食,其效果会未见其利,反见其害,肌肉消耗了,脂肪却增加。 甚么人仕合适使用Slendertone的产品? 一般成年人,不分男、女都可使用,Slendertone的产品特别推出配合男、女不同身形的设计,每个型号皆分男、女装,使用起来更加方便。 甚么人不能用Slendertone的产品? 1 怀孕的妇女。 2 医生曾警告心脏有毛病或在运动前需咨询医生的。 3 在运动时,胸口会发生痛楚的。 4 在过去数月,曾因肢体活动而引至胸口痛楚的。 5 曾因失去知觉或头晕眼花而跌倒的。 6 因骨骼或关节问题而不能进行运动的。 7 因高血压或心脏有潜在毛病而正在吃药的。 8 因特殊原因而不能进行运动的。 英文说明: Whether you're a casual exerciser, a senior, a fitness enthusiast, or someone facing physical challenges, the Slendertone System Abs Toning Belt (unisex) can help you build a stronger core foundation. Simply follow the 30-day toning plan for 30 minutes, five times a week to develop your abdominal strength, muscle mass, and power. Discreet, comfortable and easy to use, the Slendertone System slimline belt enables you to build power abs anytime--at home, while working at the office, out the garden, etc. The rechargeable, handheld System Controller plugs into the toning belt and displays information on toning programs, time and intensity all in the palm of your hand. It features seven toning programs, up to 99 intensity levels, and warm-up and cool-down phases. It's backed by a two-year warranty. Slendertone uses clinically proven Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology to firm, tone and strengthen your entire midsection. Signals are sent between the pads, engaging the nerves that control your muscles and causing them to contract naturally. It targets not just the muscles you can see, but also the muscles that are more difficult to reach with conventional exercise. The rectus abdominis (abs), obliques (which shape the waist) and the transversus abdominis are all activated. This last is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and wraps around the abdomen like a corset. It is essential for stability in the lower back region and is very difficult to reach with conventional exercise. Used regularly (as little as 30 minutes a day) in conjunction with a healthy diet and some moderate exercise, you will notice results within four weeks. You can wear the Slendertone System belt when you just don't have time in your hectic schedule to hit the gym or go for a run, or wear it during your workout for added emphasis. Features • Firm your midsection with clinically demonstrated Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology • Tone your muscles while doing other activities--from cardio exercises to household chores • Use 4 to 5 times a week for stronger, firmer abs in 4 to 8 weeks • 7 programs with 0 to 99 intensity levels allow for increasing levels of strength training • Fits women's waist sizes 24 to 44 inches; fits men's waist sizes 27 to 44 inches • 2-year warranty What's in the Box Toning belt, rechargeable controller and charger, 1 set of GelPads, belt extender, travel pouch, instruction manual, quick start guide Product Description SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-Abs from SLENDERTONE is cleared by the FDA for firming, toning and strengthening abdominal muscles and is the most powerful, clinically demonstrated toning product in the SLENDERTONE portfolio. With it s sleek belt you can tone your abs anywhere, anytime. Rechargeable batteries for cost effective and convenient toning and an easy to follow 30 day toning plan. Charge it. Swap it. Share it. Work it. A firmer, tighter stomach in just weeks! A revolutionary way to firm and tone your midsection, SYSTEM-Abs from SLENDERTONE is clinically demonstrated to deliver results simply and conveniently. Tone up anywhere Discreet and comfortable, the slimline belt is convenient, easy to use and you can wear it while working at your desk, getting ready for a night out and wherever and whenever it suits you. For a taut abdominal area, use SYSTEM from SLENDERTONE for just 30 minutes, 5 times a week and you ll start feeling results in just weeks! ________________________________________ Product Details • Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 6.9 x 3.5 inches ; 1.2 pounds

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